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Lisboa, as the Portuguese call it, is a city full of character and interesting people. I hadn't visited for sometime so I was able to look at the city afresh. I saw a few telltale signs of the financial turmoil that Portugal is going through, people down on their luck and some empty stores but after 4 days walking the streets I left with a desire to return. Here is a "roll", aka 24 photos, taken during my visit, I hope you like them. The music for the slideshow is Frozen off the album Seven by Baby Mammoth.
Jameson On A TramWhat You Say?Night OutRed HydrantSleep WellWalk The WaveWatchingTramsYour Ticket PleaseWait to CrossSunny StreetTouristsLook LeftGraffitiA Bit Of Light ReadingFishy GuysLook RightWatch Where You WalkWhite TrousersDelicious Disc